Archives April 2023

Fri-yay smink szórakoztató: Strobing készült egyszerű

, ha az egész “strobing” minta, valamint a lüktető fények, valamint a magas oktán otthoni zene, nem Úgy érzi, hogy otthon hagyja el a ragyogást.

De mi az, ami közé tartozik a kiemelés, valamint nagyszerű ajánlatok. Alapvetően ez nagyszerű, régimódi kiemelés, csak sokkal intenzívebb, valamint a szélsőséges, valamint általában számos termék rétegezését tartalmazza bizonyos területek kiemelésére és / vagy egy vagy több funkcióját.


A bőr ráncolásában harmatos, és a ragyogás, de nem egy icky vagy izzadt módon, valamint a technika, hogy kiemelje bizonyos területeket, miközben a bőr hátralévő részét meglehetősen matt vagy félig matt.

Itt van pontosan, hogyan szeretem csinálni …

Először egy megvilágító, hidratáló krémet keverek össze egy kisebb fényes (nem csillogó) az arcom körül.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Next, I stipple a foundation or tinted moisturizer on top on that, with the goal being to get the sheen to somewhat appear with my deal with makeup, so my general skin looks somewhat dewy (but not full-on shiny).

Aztán, míg az alapjaim még mindig nedves, egy csillogó krémet kiemeltem az arcom tetejére, valamint az orrom hídjára.

Ezt követően még sokkal több mélységig, valamint a dimenzióban söpöröm egy csillogó kiemelőt az arcom tetejére, az orrom hídjára, az én cupid íjára, az ívek alatt, mint a szemöldökemben, mint valamint a szemem belső sarkában.

Ezután por a maradék terméket a tiszta a homlok közepén, valamint az álla közepén.

Ezután, hogy megmagyarázzuk a sugárzást pár helyen, nedvesem egy szintetikus tisztaságot egy sminkbeállító spray-rel, valamint az arccsontok tetejére, valamint az orrom hídjára.

Itt megállhatsz, ha akarod, de …

…since I feel a bit naked without color on my cheeks, I normally sweep a matte blush onto the apples of my cheeks at this point (the matte surface contrasts with the shimmer), then dust a shimmery bronzer onto my cheekbones as well as across A homlokom egy kicsit felmelegítem a bőrtememet.

Ha javítani szeretné a kiemelt területek közötti kontrasztot, valamint az üzlet többi részét, valamint a kiemeli még sokkal több “kiemelkedő” (?), Az orr oldalait, a homlokát well as the areas just under your cheekbones with your preferred deal with powder.

Ez az! Remélem, szórakozik.

Ebben a hozzászólásban használt (vagy említett) termékek …

Bobbi barna további megvilágító nedvesség balzsam

Mac Strobe Cream

Tom FORD Skin Illuminator a Lserines Lust-ban

Becca csillogó bőrerősítő a holdkőben

Becca csillogó bőrerősítő megnyomva opálban

Nars elpirul a nyomorúság (2015 őszi gyűjteményéből)

Nars 42 szemkefe

Mac Prep + Prime Fix + Yuzu-ban

Valódi módszerek Duo-Fiber kontúrkefe

Urban bomlást sült bronzer az üzlet, valamint a test sült

Mac Sheertone elpirul óvatosan

Mac 188 Little Duo Fiber foglalkozik ecsettel


A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,



Vasárnap lapokkal a macska, smink és szépség blog Mascot, Vol. 454

Tabs mindig szerencsés volt a szerelemben, de most hivatalosan szerencsés a kártyákon is. Ezen a héten megkapta az első királyi öblítő kártyáit az otthoni irodában.

A jó szórakozást az MBB csapatában volt. Míg Connor és én a Ko’olina Kiddie medencében fröccsenült, a lapok a következő szintre vették a távozását. He and his favorite pet sitter had an action-packed week that included two office parties, a poker game, a few team-building exercises, a workout and an afternoon spent lounging by the pool.


Soha nem kapjuk meg a teljes történetet, hogy pontosan mit esett le, mert a fülek mindenkinek megjelentek a közzétételi megállapodásoknak, de nagyon kevés macskák tudják, hogyan kell a pártok, mint a fülek, így bármi is történt az epikusnak.


Ma textúráztam neki, hogy megkérdezzem, hogy hiányzott-e minket, és az egyetlen válasza, hogy “Hozd vissza néhány Kalua sertést”, ami azt mondja, hogy nem várhat arra, hogy hazaérjen.

A barátságos környék szépségfüggő,


Hagyjon megjegyzést egy esélyre, hogy nyerjen egy $ 50 Sephora e-ajándék kártyát! (Hétfő végén)

** A Giveaway zárva van **
Ez a giveaway zárva van, és a győztes kapcsolatot tartott (Gratulálunk, Nicole O !!!), de ellenőrizze a következő szombaton egy másik Giveaway-nek.

Ok, a legjobb hálaadás étel ebben az évben – mi volt ez? Meg kell választanom a Törökországot, még akkor is, ha általában az oldalakról szólok, amelyek szintén Delish voltak, de ebben az évben a pulyka fab volt. (A Nugget piacnak a Novato-ban! Az emberek rad!).

Remélem, fantasztikus hálaadásod volt. Igazán szükségem volt, hogy ne kelleneütnöm az utat, és képes időt tölteni az időt (evés), és hazaviszi itt.


A bátyám felállt a városból, és az éjszakát töltötte, ami szép volt. A szüleim és az El Hub-ek nem voltak a városból, így csak nekünk gyerekek voltak, és gyakran nem látjuk egymást. Tudod, hogy … mindenki olyan elfoglalt, hogy saját dolgot csináljon.

Nem sokat csináltunk, tényleg, az enni. Egy tonna. Miután késő délutáni mozgóképet készítettünk, miután mindannyian ébredtünk az élelmiszer-kómából. Elmentünk, hogy meglátjuk hitrt, az új sziklás bokszot Michael B. Jordannal?

Viccelünk, hogy megnézzük a hálaadásra egy bokszmozgási képet, de nagyszerű volt. Igazán elkezdem értékelni a bokszban részt vevő athleticizmust és készséget.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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The motion picture wasn’t cheesy in any way like the zillion Rocky sequels that came out in the ’80s and ’90s (remember the one with Mr. T?), but it still ties into the legacy. Apollo Creed volt Rocky ellensége / barátja az eredeti filmekben, és Michael B. Jordan játszik a fiát. The Rocky character is his boxing trainer…and there’s a lot a lot more stuff that goes on. Nagyon ajánlott, különösen, ha tetszett a sziklás.

Nem igazán csináltam szórakoztató fekete péntek vásárlást. Az egyetlen dolog, amit kaptam egy napágy, amikor a család látogatása után született kislány született. Sears-en találtam egyet. Tehát, yup … minden funkcionális és sh * t most. LOL!


Ok, ideje, hogy belépjen a Giveaway …

Egy (1) Sephora EGIFT kártya, amely 50 dollárból áll, e-mailben (nemzetközi olvasók, akkor választhat, hogy a Paypal helyett 50 dollárt kapjon).

Adja meg az alábbi megjegyzést.

Nyitott az Egyesült Államok és a nemzetközi olvasók számára.

18 vagy annál idősebbnek kell lennie ahhoz, hogy belépjen (vagy egyébként a helyi törvények alapján felnőtt).

A megjegyzések egyáltalán bármilyen lehet, de itt vannak olyan ötletek, ha megragadtad:

Ugrás a fekete pénteki értékesítésre?

Hogyan érzi magát a hagymákkal?

Hogy volt hálaadás?

Ki viseli a nadrágot a családodban?

Valaki, aki kezeli (vagy az ő) smink valóban jól működik?

Hogyan volt az utóbbi időben a bőre?

Egy bejegyzés személyenként.

Érvényes e-mail címet kell használnia a győzelemhez.

A Giveaway 2015. november 30-án, hétfőn végződik, 11: 59-kor (csendes-óceáni idő).

A barátságos környéki fellebbezési addict,


Szombat szörfözés: 2017. július 22-én

Meow, ez a kategória!
Én egyedülállóan tisztítsa meg a macska nő bögre szekcióját a Marshalls-nél! Felfedeztem még egy imádnivaló embert a pénzcsomagolás titokban rejtve mögött a nem macska-témájú bögrék. Ez 10 eper utca, valamint olyan volt, mint 5 dollár! Nem tudtam semmit mondani … Ezen a megjegyzésben, örömmel a Caturay!

A mai tapasztalat számomra magában foglalja ezt a pár Sparkly Rózsaszín görkorcsolyát, valamint a meghajtót … ideális esetben nem tweetm később a sürgősségi szobából.


Imádkozz értem.
Vissza a nap folyamán, nagyon nagy voltam a kerekes cipőkön, és … Ugh! Sajnálom. A fülek csak a rácsot felemelték. Feltételezem, hogy az a módja, hogy egy örömteli kategóriát is akarja.

Mindenesetre felhasználtam, hogy sok időt töltök a görkorcsolyákon, valamint a görgős pengéken a nap folyamán. Egy pontban annyira elkötelezettem voltam, hogy az én rollerbladingomnak voltam, hogy megtartottam őket az autómban, és néha, néha vezetés közben, ha láttam egy véletlen területet, amely különösen nagyszerűnek tűnt a penge számára,

De közel 20 éve nem voltam párban … és egyidejűleg eksztatikus vagyok, és félek, hogy megpróbálom ezeket a korcsolyákat. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy “mi van, ha megszakadok egy lábat? Vagy csípő? Aztán nem tudnám meghozni a csecsemőt vagy a macskát, valamint a lépcsőn! ”


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

Tudsz tartani az utolsó alkalommal, amikor a korcsolyákon voltál? Remélem, hogy “öt perccel ezelőtt” vagy “tegnap”, így tudok online helyettesíteni veled.

Abban az esetben, ha most úgy érzi, hogy befolyásolja a korcsolyait a szekrényből, és zip a blokk körül, mielőtt elmész, itt vannak olyan fellebbezési történetek, amelyek a héten tapasztaltam érdeklődési rátámat …

A homeGoods megnyitja a spin-off láncot, amelyet otthonnak neveznek … mert nyilvánvalóan meg akarják venni az összes ebédet.

Az új fényerő x quad az RMS fellebbezéséről úgy néz ki, hogy álmodozik!

Úgy értem … hogyan lehet, hogy potenciálisan nem érted, hogy 27 párunk van a szemedben lévő lencsékkel? Csak az egyiket viselek, és készen állok arra, hogy a nap végéig kivágom.

Egy pixi rúgásban voltam, és igazán szeretném kipróbálni a héjaikat és lengyelüket.

Itt van a történet a Myeong Jo Lee, a K-Beauty Biz, valamint az egyik legnagyobb női vállalkozójának története.

Új ajaktermékek a kegyetlen pop szépségből!

“Nem voltam rendkívül békés fiú”, az államok Manolo Blahnik a Manolo pótkocsi elején: a gyerek, aki cipőt készített a gyíkok számára, egy új divat dokumentumfilm. – Soha nem volt, soha nem lesz.

Mit szeretne viselni az új Chanel Les Breiges egészséges Glow Gel Érintő Alapítványt?

Egy pillantás a Chanel Haute Couture világába …

A haszon csak a közelmúltban újracsomagolta a boiing rejtegetőket.

Ezeket a hétvégén ezeket a görögdinnye popsicleseket készítem. ISTENI FINOM!

Itt vannak a legjelentősebb divatirányzatok, az évtized évtizede. as well as P.S., the S-Corset from the 1900s looks really, truly uncomfortable.

Amikor az egyik legnagyobb tudományos fikciós hősnő után nevezed a gyermeket, tudomásul veszi a 14 legújabb Sci-Fi filmeket, amelyek nem követelték hatalmas költségvetéseket, hogy csodálatosak legyenek.

A San Francisco Shop tulajdonosa / kriminológusa saját szopási műveleteket végez, hogy elkapja a Shopliftereket …

15 módszer, hogy sokkal jobb ember legyen

Bobbi Brown: “Nem fókuszálok, ezért sikerül.”

Épp most találtam ezt a verset Anne Sexton nevű bátorságnak, valamint az egyik előnyben részesített dolgom, mivel a mindennapi élet bits cselekedeteit ünnepli.

Oké édes szívem.Tabs would like me to remind you that if you’re lucky sufficient to have a feline butt in your deal with at any type of time today…cherish it.

Legalábbis ez az, amit mondok magamnak, amikor egy adott plusz méretű Tabby hátsó végével foglalkozom.


Legyen fantasztikus napod!

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


The supreme Italian makeup look may Not Be What You expect

“Italians are always well-dressed.”

Who hasn’t heard that a person at least when in their life?


It’s one of numerous stereotypes about Italians and, just like any type of stereotype, it’s not completely true…but it does have a kernel of reality to it.

In my experience, people right here are typically extremely concerned with the method they look, as well as they’ll typically put a great deal of believed into what they wear.

There’s likewise a general sense of decorum that people are expected to observe. For instance, you’ll never see college trainees go to class in sweats as well as flip-flops. Here, dressing properly as well as looking good are genuine social conventions.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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So, what is makeup’s function in a country where many people always try to gown well as well as look good?

Well, Italians don’t typically utilize as much makeup as you may expect. A common Italian look, which I’ve recreated for you today, will typically function extremely few products.

Care to understand which ones?

Foundation (often a shade as well dark)

The foundation I’m using today is Diego Dalla Palma 2 W. W. Mattifying foundation in 43 warm Beige
That’s for two primary reasons. The very first one is that numerous people believe the function of foundation is to make them look tanned, while the second one is that it’s quite difficult for those right here with lighter skin tones to discover the best color match.

The lightest shade of foundations from Italian brands will typically be my skin tone or darker and, although I’m quite pale, I’m certainly not the palest. even worldwide brands will frequently have a much more restricted shade variety right here than abroad.


KIKO perfect combination Bronzer in 03 Cinnamon dusted around my face
Most Italians don’t contour extremely much, however they certainly like to bronze. NAGYON.

Side note: tanning right here is like a religion. If you come back from a beach getaway as well as don’t look heavily tanned, people will comment on that. Unless you look totally brown, the very first thing they’ll ask will be, “Why are you not even tanned??”

It goes without stating that tanning beauty salons prosper as well as bronzer sales never go down.

Simple makeup to improve the eyes

I’ve framed my eyes utilizing Maybelline Master Smoky in 625 burning brown as well as PUPA Vamp! Szempillaspirál 100-ban további fekete
A common Italian eye look will consist of only two products — pencil liner (either black or brown) as well as mascara. Also, brows will frequently be left au naturel.

Nude/MLBB lipstick

KIKO velvet Matte Satin Lipstick in 602 natural increased on my lips


Most Italian women don’t wear lipstick, however if they do, it’s typically in a neutral color. There certainly are exceptions (like yours really — #brightsforlife), however in general it’s quite difficult to see somebody sporting a strong lip.

This is the look an Italian lady may wear to one of our preferred activities, which is andare al ristorante (go to a restaurant). Italians don’t “just go get some food.” many of the time, we cook our own meals from scratch at home, so going to a restaurant is a genuine event, as well as one that needs dressing up.

If you were to recreate the supreme makeup look to represent your country, what products would you use?

5 daily products That Make applying false Lashes So much much easier

I desire these were my genuine lashes! — however they’re really the MAC Mariah Carey 05 falsies. as well as they’re amazeballs.
Beyond the evident products it takes to rock false lashes, there are absolutely some daily accoutrements as well as doo-dads that can make the process easier.

Before that, though, you have to begin with the basics, like a fantastic pair of lashes, as well as I like the Ardell 120s, since they’re only $4 each as well as look quite natural, as far as falsies go.


I likewise love, love, like the MAC Mariah Carey 05s. In fact, I’m believing about stockpiling them when the Mariah collection comes out.

You likewise requirement a great lash glue (I’ve been utilizing the one that includes the metropolitan Decay lashes since it isn’t stinky), a healthy dose of patience as well as a mirror.

It’s weird… On the surface, it doesn’t seem like false lashes would be that difficult to apply, right? I mean, exactly how difficult might it be? You take one, put a bit glue on it, as well as stick it on your eye…but it is sooo much harder than that.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Like, seriously, when I very first started using false lashes, I had to block out at least 20 minutes to get it right, however I’ve figured some things out considering that then. It’s a bit much easier now, as well as right here are five daily items/hacks that help.

1. A damaged Q-tip (yes, break it in half)

Here’s the deal: When you put as well much glue on the lash band, your gonna end up with a hot mess. glue gets around your lids, your lashes, as well as you likewise run the danger of having so much glue on there that your eyes stick shut whenever you blink (see: things I discovered the difficult way).

To prevent all that, break a Q-tip in half, as well as utilize one of the damaged ends (so not the cotton end) like a glue spatula. put a bit glue on there, as well as then apply it to your lash band.

It’s a great deal much easier to manage where you put the glue with the Q-tip than if you try to apply it directly from the tube, at least in my experience.

2. A makeup brush…handle (yup, just the handle)

Sometimes when I apply falsies I end up with a space between the false lashes as well as my natural lashes, so I’ll get hold of a makeup brush, flip it around in my hand to ensure that I’m holding it backwards, close my eyes, as well as then I’ll line the manage up horizontally on top of the false lashes as well as carefully press on them to get them to stick my natural lashes.

3. Tweezers

ISTENEM! OK, now, you can most likely eliminate your lashes from their tray with your fingers, however uh…I have butterfingers, as well as often (read: always) I inadvertently smoosh part of them when I get hold of them with my fingers.

They just don’t look ideal after that, so now I very carefully lift them out of the tray with tweezers. That method they maintain their shape.

4. A black felt idea liquid liner

I likewise utilize liquid liner to darken the band of my false lashes before applying them, instead of after.

So, you understand exactly how a lot of false lashes have that white band that looks incredibly obvious? Well, after I eliminate the lashes from their tray with my tweezers, I darken the white part of the lash band with the liner. That method when I pop them on my natural lashes, I don’t have to discuss the band once again with eyeliner as well as danger disturbing the lashes or moving them around.

The one I’m currently loving is from Clinique. It’s pigmented, doesn’t irritate my eyes, as well as it isn’t as well expensive.

5. Eye makeup remover

This may noise incredibly obvs, as well as perhaps it is…but I spent years just ripping my false lashes off.

Sometimes, you know, it’s the end of the day, you’re hella tired, as well as you just rip ’em off, however if you want to reuse your false lashes (I do), you have to be gentle with them.

Enter: makeup remover.

I’ll soak a cotton pad or a Q-tip with makeup remover, then hold it on top of my false lashes for 30 seconds or so to let them absorb a few of the remover. then I just carefully wiggle the lashes to slowly eliminate them.

It assists them keep their shape for the next use, as well as it’s likewise great at breaking down the glue, which can stay sticky on your genuine lashes. often I’ll put some a lot more cleaner on the cotton side of a Q-tip to do it.


Ó! — as well as if you’re trying to find a great makeup remover, I believe this water resistant eye makeup cleaner by Klorane is great. It’s gentle as well as removes errthing.

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,


Saturday Surfing, July 14th, 2018

So, I’m reading a book about sourdough.

It’s fiction, as well as no, the primary character isn’t a loaf of bread (in situation you were wondering). Bread does, however, play a silent however omnipresent supporting function as a extremely tasty cast member, ha ha!


The book’s called Sourdough, by Robin Sloan, as well as it’s about a young lady who moonlights as a sourdough bread baker by night, while she works as a programmer for a robotics business in San Francisco by day.

No, really, I’m serious! You can’t make this stuff up!

Well, I mean, you can…


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Anyway, the glutinous puns are glorious! — although I acknowledge that it may be a Karen thing to delight in passages about feeding online yeast starters as well as building backyard brick ovens this much. I stayed up late reading it last night as well as dreamed about rising dough as well as proofing baskets into the early morning.

Oh, as well as inspect this out…

Don’t you like books that have maps in them?? I do. this has a map from best around right here since it takes location in the Bay Area. As we speak, I’m typing this from Novato, which is somewhat northwest of the bit drawing of the golden entrance Bridge, as well as the town I grew up in, Union City, is just south of Alameda.

If you requirement me today, I’ll be reading this. I’ll have my nose between the pages, as well as if it’s warm enough, I may even checked out a chapter by the pool.

Ah… ??️

For a bit light reading, right here are a few of the stories from around the Interwebs that caught my eye this week…

The only Kylie I keep up with is Kylie Minogue, however kudos to Kylie Jenner for making it onto the cover of Forbes. Her makeup line is worth an estimated $800 million, as well as she’s only 20 (!).

Have you seen these in your Facebook feed yet?? since I haven’t. utilizing Augmented truth (AR), you can practically try on clothes as well as makeup before you buy. It looks a great deal like a Snapchat or Instagram filter, so it’s not like going into a dressing space as well as trying something on, however still… Kinda cool. Makes me question exactly how youngsters today will be buying when they’re my age.

I can’t be the only person who’s always searching for much more makeup artists to low-key stalk, so here’s a listing of the 2018 Emmy nominees in the makeup as well as hairstyling categories. See anybody you know? I’m pleased to see glow on the list!

GO, JACKIE, GO! I’ve been a big fan of vlogger Jackie Aina for many years now, as well as I’ve been pleased to see her gorgeous deal with around the charm world lately, even just recently teaming up with as well dealt with to formulate darker shades for the born This method foundation line.

Here are a few of her preferred charm products for women of color.

These six gadgets are expected to contour as well as sculpt your deal with without makeup.

Why are some scents much more costly than others? This extremely comprehensive piece walks with the differences between pure perfumes, eau fraiche, as well as whatever in between.

Fave checked out of the week.

Is woman Gaga introducing her own charm brand a la Fenty? She’s quietly working on a new charm startup, as well as it already has Silicon Valley investors.

As somebody with a youngster who sometimes appears on Instagram doing (what I believe are) adorable things, as well as as somebody who likes seeing other people’s youngsters on the ‘gram doing adorable things, I have mixed feelings about “spawn con,” likewise understood as sponsored material featuring children.

On the one hand, youngsters born today can’t getaway technology, as well as it ain’t inexpensive to raise a child, or perhaps develop a college fund.

But on the other hand…would it be much better to wait up until a youngster is old sufficient to make his/her own decisions? With cameras, as well as wearable gadgets as well as the Web everywhere, does it even matter?? will anybody be able to prevent having their photos on the internet 10 years from now? Nem tudom.

Go, science! as well as goooooooo women in plant science! Alice Tangerini is the very first as well as only botanical illustrator at the Smithsonian’s national museum of natural History, where she has been making her mark for 46 years.

I feel completely strange if I don’t checked out sufficient during the week. For me, it’s like working out, as well as the much more I read, the much better I feel.

Which reminds me…Saturday HIIT class. Hamar. (Like in 15 minutes, whoops!)

You wanna go do some burpies with me? NEM!?


Rendben rendben. You have fun reading, then. delight in the rest of your day, OK?

A barátságos közösségi bájfüggő,


The MAC Taraji P. Henson Collection

somebody in the makeup world lastly pertained to their senses as well as did a collab with Taraji P. Henson.
Good morning, glory! delighted Caturday. Remélem jól aludtál.

So, honey. HUH-KNEE. I haven’t enjoyed empire in ages (I dunno what happened… I believe it just got as well redonk for me, as well as I had to peace-the-heck out), however that show will be permanently ingrained in my mind as the magical, mystical location where the world found the hurricane of fierce that is Taraji P. Henson.


If I might only channel a tenth of Cookie’s sass as well as mindset into my fingertips, I might policy the world! (Or at least get a manage on my condo.)

I believe Taraji’s awesome. Yeah, she’s stunning (those cheekbones as well as lips, WOW), however I likewise checked out that she didn’t get her huge acting break up until later in life. She just kept working as well as reaching for the stars.

And now she has her own MAC collection.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Yes, somebody somewhere is doing the cabbage patch.

Oh, wait — that somebody is me, as well as it’s happening ideal right here in my office chair, ideal AT THIS MOMENT!

With six pieces, half of them new as well as half of them re-promotes from the long-term line, the collection is on the smaller side…

I know, I would’ve favored a 20-piece Taraji collection with all new things instead, however let’s see what we’ve got…

MAC Mineralize Skin surface natural in highlight the reality ($33)
MAC Mineralize Skin surface natural in Taraji glow ($33)

Among the new pieces, it’s all about the two Mineralize Skinfinishes ($33 each) in Taraji glow as well as highlight the reality for me.

On my NC42 skin, highlight the reality appears like a peachy coral with golden shimmer, as well as Taraji glow appears like a peachy coral with pink shimmer.

Wearing highlight the Truth, Taraji glow as well as strip Me Down Lipstick
I don’t understand if it’s just a odd technique of the light in my house, however both of them appear quite similar in swatches side by side… When I apply them on my cheeks, though, Taraji glow POPS a lot more than highlight the Truth, as well as I bet it’s since of the former’s pinkish pearl.

Taraji Glow’s surface looks shinier as well as a lot more pronounced to me, so it seems a lot more dramatic. If you’re trying to find a bolder highlight from something in the collection, that’s the method to go.

Both are incredibly pretty, though. It’s difficult to select which one I like better…but I’d most likely opt for Taraji Glow, since with the pink in the mix, it might double as a highlighter as well as a blush.

MAC Taraji P. Henson Matte Lipstick in strip Me Down ($17)
Strip Me Down Lipstick is NOT playin’. It’s a deep matte beige with, like, a ’90s-style matte finish, so it’s extremely flat as well as doesn’t show any type of light whatsoever. It must look charming as a nude on medium as well as dark skin tones, however the formula is unforgiving… It’s on the drier side, as well as after using it for about 45 minutes, my vertical lip lines take center stage at Coachella.


MAC Taraji P. Henson swatches from the left: highlight the Truth, Taraji glow as well as strip Me Down
Look for the MAC Taraji P. Henson collection on the MAC web site starting September 6 as well as at choose MAC stores as well as counters September 8.


Can you believe it’s already September? Where’d the summertime go?!

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,



P.S. Taraji, if you’re reading this, let’s kick it sometime. I feel like you’d get my jokes.

Granted, a lot of of them are incredibly corny, however I believe you’d absolutely get the refs. My door’s always open if you want to split a bottle of rosé as well as enjoy Gilmore Girls.

I’m just sayin’.

How to Do a Smudgy liner Daytime Smoky Eye | Tutorial

Ah, smoky eyes… exactly how I love, love, like thee.

I like you for your telenovela-style drama, of course, however much more than that — I like your gymnastic-caliber flexibility. There are so numerous methods to creatively translate smoky eyes, as well as one of my favorites is this daytime eye look with smudgy liner.


It’s simpler than it looks.

Nem igazán! You won’t requirement a quadrillion brushes or eyeshadows. just four brushes — a flat eyeshadow brush, a domed blending brush, a tapered blending clean as well as an angled eyeliner clean — as well as four eyeshadows, as well as for the shadows I suggest selecting a progression of colors from darkest to lightest in any type of completes that relocation you from matte, to shimmer, to satin, etc.

For daytime smoky eyes, I do choose mattes, though, much more than shimmers, since the flatter surface states to me, “Let’s set a satisfying to work on the fourth-quarter TPS reports,” as opposed to, “Let’s satisfy at da club to freak on some hot dudes.”


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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As for your colors, you’ll requirement a light shade to highlight your brown bone, a somewhat darker crease color around your skin tone or one or two shade darker, a color somewhat darker than that for the “smoke” on your lids, as well as then one more even darker shade to smudge the eyeliner we’ll be using.

For this look, I went with four shades from the metropolitan Decay naked Smoky Palette, namely light beige Thirteen, which I’m utilizing as my highlight shade; peachy taupe Combust, which I’m utilizing as my crease shade; dark brown Whiskey, which I’m utilizing as my lid shade; as well as dark gray Password to smudge the liner.

Urban Decay naked Smoky Palette, $54

If you can’t figure out where to start, just open an shadow combination as well as select a progression of four colors from lightest to darkest.

OK, now that we’ve discovered our shades, let’s smoke this ish out!

I’ve already done my foundation, concealer as well as all that jazz, so onward to the eyes…

1. Prime your lids, then apply deal with powder to them

After priming your lids, buff a bit of deal with powder on them with a fluffy tapered blending brush, going from your lash line all the method as much as your brows.

Seriously, don’t avoid this step! Whenever I do smoky eyes, I practically always begin with this step, as well as I do it for a couple of reasons.

First, the powder takes in any type of excess wetness left behind by your eye primer (or by your concealer or foundation, or whatever you’ve selected to utilize on your lids as a primer), ensuring that the shadows we utilize apply evenly.

Gotta prevent that patchiness, yo!

Second, as well as this is most likely even much more important, the powder will make blending our eyeshadows about a thousand times easier, since it provides us a smoother surface.

Here I’m utilizing RMS charm tinted “Un” Powder in 2-3.

2. highlight your brow bone

With this look, we’re going to begin at the top (just below our brows), as well as work our method down, so take your lightest eyeshadow, as well as pat it best below your eyebrows with a flat eyeshadow brush. We’re doing this to job those brow bones as well as make them look much more prominent, as well as we do it right here since when we contour our crease in the next step, it’ll enable us to utilize less product.

3. Contour your crease

Now, to deepen the eye, tons that exact same flat eyeshadow clean with your contour color, as well as pat it into your crease. utilizing a flat eyeshadow clean for this assists you location the color precisely where you want it in your crease.

Next, switch out that flat eyeshadow clean for a domed blending brush, as well as smooth out the edges. You want that crease color to fade into the brow highlight above it.

4. apply your smoky shadow to your lids

Now tons up that exact same flat eyeshadow clean you utilized earlier with your selected lid shade (and don’t fail to remember to tap off any type of excess powder, since you don’t want rand-o bits of dark shadow after effects ending up under your eyes), as well as pat it from your lash line to just barely into your crease.

Next, smooth out the edges with your domed blending brush, drawing the shadow up into the crease.

OK, this is where things can get tricky. We’ll have to pay close interest to our clean placement; otherwise, we’ll end up with a block of dark eyeshadow from our lash line to our brown bone, which isn’t what we want.

You’re aiming for a gradient that goes from darkest at the lash line to lightest at the brow bone, so you get that traditional puff of smoke around the eye.

I like to begin my blending with my blending clean pointing down, as well as blend good as well as tight along the edge of that lid shadow utilizing small circles to soften the edge.

UtánEzenergia simítása, a tiszta, hogy most rámusson arra, hogy most rámutat a homlokcsontom felé, és ezt a színt alaposan felhívom a gyűrődésbe.

Valószínűleg több réteget kell használni, hogy teljesen keverje ki az éleit, valamint sima gradiens. Tipikusan három vagy négy követelmény.

5. Vegye ki a felső lash vonalat

Amikor a fedeletek eléggé “füstöltek”, itt az ideje, hogy fokozza, hogy a füst még sokkal többet, ha a felső lash vonal egy sötét ceruza. A nappali füstös szemek, szeretem a szürkés fekete ceruzákat vagy barnás fekete ceruzákat, a tiszta fekete helyett, mivel úgy vélem, hogy a fekete bélés egy kicsit sokkal éjszakai drámai.

The liner I’m utilizing right here is metropolitan Decay Crave, a dark brownish black.

6. Smudge a bélés

Most, halkan dobja ki azt a bélést a második legsötétebb árnyékával, amely szögletes kefét használ.

7. Szoros, valamint a vízvezetékek vonala

Teljesen opcionális, ugyanakkor ugyanazt a ceruzát használva húzza meg a felső lash vonalakat, majd vonja be az alsó vízvezetékeit, de teljesen elkerülheti ezt a lépést, ha nem a te dolgod.

Tipikusan azt tipikusan csinálom, mivel szeretem a további OOMPH-t, és ha a bélés véletlenül végződik az alsó lash vonalakon, csak tegye meg a megjelenés egy részét, ha a szögletes bélés tiszta (extra termék nélkül) A 6. lépésben.

8. tonna fel a szempillaspirálra

Végül, tegyük fel a dolgokat egy szép íjjal, a szempillaspirálra csomagolva. Itt vagyok a megbízható Chanel Le Round de Chanel.

A végső megjelenés

Most mindannyian füstöltek, és felkészültek arra, hogy foglalkozzanak azzal, amit az utat találnak.


Ha megpróbálod ezt a pillantást (és remélem, hogy csinálsz!), Küldjön nekem egy képet, vagy ha az Instagram-on van, címke nekem @karenmbb. Szeretném látni, hogy dolgozik!

A barátságos közösségi bájfüggő,


My office approved FOTD for Fearless task Hunting!

My fearless task hunting face of the day
Hello mindenki! I understand I haven’t discussed it often, however at this present time, I don’t have a full-time job. As such, I apply to a great deal of jobs, as well as I try to go on as many interviews as I can, when I’m lucky sufficient to get one.

It turns out I was, in fact, lucky sufficient this week! It was yesterday, as well as I spent a great deal of time last weekend planning what I would wear, exactly how I would handle the interview, as well as my preferred part: my makeup.


I wanted to show you men the neutral look I wore as well as the products I used to accomplish it.

From top left to right: Clinique stay Matte Oil free makeup ($32), Murad Invisiblur Perfecting shield SPF 30 ($65), Milani blush in luminoso ($8.49), E.L.F. Baked Highlighter in Moonlight Peals($4), European Wax Center’s Brow Powder Duo ($22), too faced natural Eyes palette ($36), NYX Matte surface setting Spray ($8), E.L.F. Eyeshadow primer ($2), Maybelline fit Me Concealer in Light($6.99) as well as Sephora full action Mascara ($12)
The interview was for an office coordinator setting at the same school I attended for my graduate studies. I’ve worked in a few offices, as well as those are the kinds of positions I’ve been looking into lately for full-time work.

When I interview, I like to wear things that make me feel comfortable, because, well…I’m normally a anxious wreck when it concerns interviews. I still haven’t mastered them. in some cases I shake worse than when I’m at the dentist’s office, as well as that’s a great deal of shaking.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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So for this look I started with freshly cleansed as well as moisturized skin.

Then I applied a great layer of Murad Invisiblur primer (I evaluated it here). It gives me a great starting point for Clinique Oil free stay Matte Makeup.

Clinique Oil free stay Matte makeup in Linen

After dabbing Clinique stay Matte makeup in linen all over my face with a beautyblender, I end up with light-to-medium protection all over.

I still had a few visible spots that needed more coverage, as well as I likewise have a tension zit that’s threatening to pop out on the lower righthand corner of my nose. You can’t see it in this picture, however each time I smile or frown, it hurts!

So I hit the rest of my trouble spots with very blendable as well as simple to use Maybelline fit Me Concealer in Light. This includes my chin, the corners of my nose, as well as in specific spots around the corners of my mouth.

Maybelline fit Me Concealer in Light, perfect for covering light blemishes!
Once I was finished with my preliminary base, I moved onto blush as well as highlight. Nicole gave some love to Milani Luminoso blush in her Unsung Heroes post, as well as whatever she had to say about it convinced me that I needed it too.

It gives a perfect peachy pink flush that isn’t too overpowering. I likewise added a bit of a highlight using E.L.F. Baked Highlighter in Moonlight Pearls on the high points of my cheeks, my nose, as well as around my brows.

Next, as well as I understand that this can seem a bit backward, however in some cases I do things a bit backward when it concerns my makeup. After my face was done, I moved onto my eyes.

I recently got the too faced natural Eyes Palette
The $36 too faced natural Eyes palette was my very first “high end” palette purchase, as well as I love it so far!

I wear neutral eyes many of the time, as well as the shades in this palette are all really versatile as well as simple to wear from day to night. (Karen did a full review of the palette here.)

I went with a daytime look using Heaven/Cashmere Bunny/Sexpresso.
After applying E.L.F. Eyeshadow Primer, I blended heaven (a cream matte) all over my lid as well as into my brow bone. then I picked up Cashmere Bunny (a taupe matte) as well as blended that into my crease.

I discovered that my lines were a bit severe after this step, so I grabbed a blending brush (like this one from E.L.F.) as well as sorted that out real quick.

That’s a bit better!
Finally, I took Sexpresso (a deep brown matte) as well as packed it into my lash line as my liner. I blended it out a little, sort of like exactly how Jen does in this post.

My last steps were to add a coat of Sephora full action Mascara in Black, which I got as a sample, as well as fill in my brows. Sephora full action Mascara gives full, soft lashes without being irritating.

The brow powder is one I’ve had for a while that I got from European Wax center when a good friend of mine worked there. I prefer using powders in the summer since I’m more apt to sweat off a cream.

I likewise put a balm on my lips with the intention of prepping them for a lipstick, however I was so anxious as well as late by the time I got uptown (it takes a little over an hour to get there from where I onvonal Brooklynban), hogy a csupasz ajkakkal folytattam az interjút.

Összességében azt hiszem, az interjú jól ment, és jól érzem magam. Amellett, hogy még akkor is, ha nem kapom meg a munkát, nagyszerű gyakorlat volt, valamint nagyszerű smink módszer is!


Ugyanúgy elpusztítottam a sminkem fotóját a nap végén az összehasonlításhoz:

A nap vége az összehasonlításhoz
Kaptam egy kis szempillaspirálátutalást, de ez erről szól. Megjegyeztem, hogy felveszem néhány blotlapot! A szemüvegem egész nap lecsúszott az orromra.

Remélem, tetszett neked ezt a fotót! Van bármilyen próbája, valamint az igazi interjúk tippjei? Melyek a legkedvezőbb megjelenésed, mint a smink, valamint a ruhák választása, amikor a feladat vadászat? Hadd értem meg a megjegyzéseket!