Archives June 2023

Tarte Drench Ajak splash rúzs és tengeri kilátó ajak mentési kezelések az esőerdők a tengeri kollekció

Tarte esőerdő a tengeren Drench Ajkát
Az első tarte termékem valaha is egy csavaros rúzs volt ceruza formában. A rúzsok, mintha még nem voltak széles körben elérhetőek, és olyan kényelmes volt, hogy csak a csavargó táskám csavart színe, mielőtt az osztályba lépne.

Néhány évvel később felfedeztem a Tarte Pure Performance Glamazon 12 órás rúzsot, és ez a mai napon a kedvenc rúzs formula.


Mondanom sem kell, hogy kedves emlékek és nagy elvárások vannak a Tarte ajaktermékekhez.

The new Tarte Rainforest of the Sea collection has something special for Tarte lippie lovers in the form of two new formulas — the Drench Lip Splash Lipsticks and Quench Lip Rescue  lip balms — both of which are incredible.

Úgy értem, most már tudom, hogy mit kell a szirénák alkalmazni az ajkukat a népszerű görög mítoszok, hogy csalogassák a tengerészek …


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

Tarte esőerdő a tengeren a fodrász ajak splash rúzs csomagolás
Each of the $22 Tarte Drench Lip splash Lipsticks is housed in a beautiful purple and golden reminiscent of the other metallic packaging in the range. The packaging sizzles with style and practically exudes summer “cool.” Ideális most, és álmodom a forró nyári éjszakákról, de én digness …

On the other hand, the $19 Tarte Quench Lip Rescue lip balms take a a lot more whimsical technique to the collection’s aquatic, summer time theme. colorful tubes in marine teal, pink and violet are embossed with sea life, and since I’m a sucker for packaging and these are too cute, I’m all aboard.

Ugyanígy imádnivaló, Tarte 19 dolláros multitasking primer / hidratáló, Lipsvers kezelés alapozója, életvitellel rendelkezik. Természetesen.

Tarte esőerdő a tengeren a Lip Rescue a Lipsvédővel
Tarte esőerdő a tengeren oltás ajakmentő csomagolás
Mint a csomagolás mind ezek, a képletek nem tudtak sokkal más.

Tarte Drench Lip splash Lipstick is 100% pigmented and matte (although I’d describe the texture as something akin to a suede, rather than the dried down velvet of so lots of liquid lipstick formulas that are popular now). Ígéretes, hogy biztosítsa az ajkát, miközben intenzív színeket biztosít a meztelen és a neon rózsaszín és a blacked lilák, akkor kihívás lehet alkalmazni (többet később).

Hihetetlenül hidratáló torte quench ajak mentő ajak balzsam olyan, mint egy unokatestvér, hogy drench … csak akkor szeret úszni sokkal többet. Az ajkakat nedvesnek látja, miközben az illóolajokkal hidratálja őket, hogy megtartsák őket kövér és egészségesek. only slightly tinted, Quench  would be an ideal lippie for on-the-go application without a mirror.

A Tarte Drench ajak splash rúzs és a kioltás összehasonlítása

Tarte Drench Lip splash Lipstick is available in an exceptionally large variety of colors and reminds me — nearly exactly — of my beloved Tarte pure performance glamazon 12-hour lipstick. Úgy érzi, hogy olyan sima, mint a velúr, ha alkalmazzák, de soha ne állítsa le vagy szárítsa meg, így mindig egyre egyre kevéssé csúszós textúrával maradsz.

Imádom a strand nevét, és nem tudtam ellenállni a tengerparti dalok lejátszás közben, miközben minden színnel játszottam.

Tarte esőerdő a tengeren Ajkába fröccsenő rúzs (balról jobbra): Skinny dip, cabana fiú, strand bum, máglya
Tarte esőerdő a tengeren Ajkát ajak splash rúzs (balról jobbra): szörfös lány, hi tengerész, bikini, nedves öltöny
Tarte esőerdő a tengeren a fodrász ajak splash rúzs (balról jobbra): Boldog, Mai Tai, Top Down, Firework
Tarte esőerdő a tengeren quench ajakmentesség (balról jobbra): opál, meztelen, rózsa, bogyó
Most már tisztában vagyok azzal, hogy az átlagos smink szeretője általában nem alkalmazható 12 árnyalatot 20 perc alatt, és az ajkuk makró vértes felvételeit; however, in my experience, the work of lip swatching is a good litmus test for busy daily life.


Imádom ezt a képletet, de a mélyebb árnyalatok alkalmazása kihívás lehet. Drench works best applied with Lipsaver treatment Primer  and a lip brush, but that’s not always sensible for those of us who are always running behind. So, while these lipsticks wear like a dream, application is high maintenance, which is a aspect to consider if you’re an on-the-go gal (*raises hand*).

Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in skinny Dip
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in Cabana Boy
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in beach Bum
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in Bonfire
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in Surfer Girl
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in hi Sailor
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in Bikini
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in wet Suit
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Drench Lip splash Lipstick in Happy
Tarte esőerdő a tengeren Ajkába fröccsenő rúzs a tetején
Tarte esőerdő a tengeren Ajkába fröccsenő rúzs tűzijátékban
Mindannyian úgy tűnik, hogy használni akarom! Matte mégis hidratáló, drench képlete ritka, mint egy hableány, és ha nem érzem magam, mintha ilyen mitikus képletet flörtölnék, ugyanolyan tartalomra jutok a kioltáshoz.

Milyen ajakformák tetszik a sizzling nyári hónapokban? – pigmentált, de hidratáló rúzsok vagy színezett hidratáló balzsamok (vagy valami más)?

A szépség napja, vol. 13: Jetoy Choo-Choo Notes, Metaphorical Gardening, dry brushing as well as Zombies (Because It always Comes Back to Zombies)

In today’s not-so-pressing problem of the day — when dealt with with two choices:

a) composing notes to myself on basic, tiring yellow Post-its, or…


b) composing notes to myself on a sticky note with a photo of a pensive feline in a pink polka-dot head scarf.

Obviously, the only ideal option to make right here is the second one, since why bother to compose things like “RE: Nausea. keep in mind to put trash bag in the cars and truck in situation requirement to vomit on the method to hospital,” or “Find 24-hour diner in SF that delivers banana pancakes” if it isn’t going to look adorable when you stick the note on your computer screen?

To quote ‘80s English dynamic duo Wham!, “If you’re going to do it, do it right.”


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

Vásárolj most

And doing it right, sticky note-style, indicates that I’m gonna compose reminders on these charming memo pads from Jetoy USA ($5 each).

Gardening, metaphorically speaking

About the quote on this specific note…

I don’t truly have a literal garden at the moment, since my deck garden is looking quite tow-up these days, as well as nothing’s growing available other than a seemingly invincible parsley plant from last spring that absolutely refuses to die. The note is a lot more a food-for-thought thing.

Like, if I’m feeling blue, I re-read it as well as try to keep in mind that in the metaphorical garden that is my life, there’s a great deal of excellent stuff to look at. It’s appealing often to get caught up on all the weeds, however it’s the fruit, vegetables, trees as well as flowers in the garden that bring me joy.

Admittedly…that was weird, I know, however it works for me, particularly when I’m in a crabby mood, or when I’m feeling aggro as well as want to pick a fight with El Hub (according to the interwebz, mood swings are quite typical in the third trimester).

This note has been front as well as center on my computer screen for the past two weeks, as well as it really helps.

Dry brushing — otherwise understood as sweet, wonderful punishment

This medieval contraption has absolutely nothing to make with gardening…although it type of appears like a gardening (or punishment) implement, doesn’t it? When El Hub saw me walking around with it, he recoiled, then asked if I was going to beat him with it.

Um, no, babes. Nem ma. As long as you keep your expecting other half happy.

It’s the earth Therapeutics Purest palm Body clean ($9.99), as well as I utilized it last night to dry clean for the extremely very first time.

After last week’s enlightening discussion in the comments on the merits of dry brushing, I made a decision to provide it a choose myself.

First, I enjoyed a couple of videos…

Then I went to town! — as well as it was, um, exactly how shall I put this?

Quite the experience.

I mean, I like a great scrubbing as much as the next person, however on some parts of my skin, like my stomach as well as my forearms, it felt like I was getting straight-up punished.

I dunno… perhaps it’s since I’m just not utilized to it yet? I’ve checked out that it can take time to get accustomed to the sensation. Or, perhaps it’s since I’m pregnant, as well as my skin’s a lot more sensitive than usual? I don’t know, however on some areas, the very best I might handle was extremely light brushing as well as very little exfoliation.

Fel a fejjel! For The walking Dead fans, if you haven’t seen last Sunday’s episode (and you want to, spoiler free), don’t scroll down any type of additionally in this post. OK…that is all.

There were, however, parts of my body, like my elbows as well as heels, where I was able to utilize it successfully as well as totally go to town, as well as those were OH, SO SATISFYING!

It still felt like punishment, but, like…good punishment.

Um…could that have sounded any type of a lot more 50 Shades? LOL!

Anywho, I got a especially odd excitement from dry brushing my left elbow, as well as I swear, that clean eliminated half an inch of dead skin that had been just sitting there, flapping in the wind.

So gross, however so true.

I’m really looking ahead to doing it once again tonight. as well as tomorrow night, if I’m not in the healthcare facility yet (hurry up, BG!).

Query for you: is it possible to get addicted to dry brushing? I believe it may be.

Zombie check-in

OK, so, last Sunday’s episode of The walking Dead?

Can I just state that it was one of my preferred episodes of all time? as well as not just since of #Richonne (although that was AWESOMESAUCE as well as something I’ve wished to see for a while). a lot more since it was great to see the characters lastly get a break to do some mundane, daily things, like enjoying Daryl flinch when Rick put in the CD vezetés közben. Gyakran ez a kicsi, napi dolgok, amelyek emlékeztetnek arra, hogy emberünk vagyunk.


És tudod, ez csak idő kérdése, mielőtt Sh * t találja meg újra a rajongót. Úgy értem, ez a gyaloglás. Ez nem Anna az öko-barát gables.

A barátságos közösségi fellebbezési addtus,
