Goooooood morning! Ya know…I can’t remember the last time I actually surfed — like, got on a board and paddled out into the ocean. It’s been years!
I would like to remedy that situation soon, ideally in a warm body of water.
I realized taking a look at my calendar this morning that June is a little over two months away. El tudod hinni?? That implies summer is getting close, and yay, warm weather! Yay, no much more oppressive pants and socks!
Last year I didn’t shop ahead of time and ended up getting a last-minute new swimsuit that was pretty cute, but it wasn’t my favorite, so this year I’m starting early, and this isn’t just something I’m doing with swimsuits. I’m trying to be better about not saving tasks for the last minute.
So, I’ve been researching swimsuits, and my main criteria are that 1) they can endure active toddler grabby hands, 2) are mom-body friendly, and 3) are modest but not matronly. in some cases I see tankinis and one-pieces, and I feel like they cover a little too much. Like, I don’t mind a bit o’ booty cheek hanging out, ya know? Anyway, I’ve been looking around a lot and asking friends for suggestions, and these are the ones I’m currently deciding among…
Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?
$ 42
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The first is this blue and white tankini by Athleta. They do lots of sporty suits, and I’m feeling this blousy top. It has ties on the sides that you can loosen to make the top extend downward, and then the suit looks practically like a small dress.
Super cute, right? I would pair it with the matching reversible bottoms.
I also like this cherry print one-piece halter by Esther Williams.
It’s so vintage retro surfer girl. (It also looks like it holds everything in.) and even though it covers up a lot, it doesn’t look stuffy.
I really love the colors in this one-piece by Maaji. I also love the mixed prints and the ties on the sides and the back, but I’m scared everything would hang out, ya know? I kinda need help keeping everything in place, LOL!
We have a pool in our complex, and I really want to take advantage of it this summer. I also want Connor to delight in it, so I’m going to enroll her in toddler swim classes in April.
No, Tabs will not be the instructor.
Anywho…while I go entertain much more deep thoughts about swimsuits (do you have one you really like?), here are some articles that caught my eye this week.
Best beauty-related short article I read this week: this one in The Atlantic on skin care. It talks about how for numerous of us, our faces have become an at-home science experiment. We gather data both in person and online about products, and then endure trial-and-error experiments with cleansers, toners, moisturizers and serums, all in the pursuit of ideal skin.
“Cosmetics are innocent until proven guilty,” the short article states. “Their ingredients don’t have to be proven safe, or effective. even if a particular ingredient has some evidence behind it, cosmetic producers aren’t required to show that the ingredient works in that product’s particular formulation, or at that particular concentration. Often, the only way to figure out if something works is to try it. The skin-care landscape is vast, overwhelming, and shimmering with mirages. but much more and much more people are trying to navigate it.”
These new nail primers by OPI are expected to pull double responsibility by extending the life of your polish up to 11 days, and by also strengthening your nails.
An 11-day manicure sounds like a dream to me. I currently use a combo of Essie grow stronger Base coat and Dior Gel coat topcoat and get about a week’s worth of wear with them, which is fantastic for me, but 11 days sounds better!
Anyone want to go to Ulta? best now? LOL!
Speaking of nails, the nail scene in new York is the place to go if you want some seriously bejeweled, bedazzled and bespoke talons. clients travel from as far away as Australia to visit Jenny Bui, who’s known as the “Queen of Bling” and for her signature stiletto nails that are studded with fancy designs and Swarovski crystals.
I could never regularly wear nails like this because the instant my fingernails start to feel like they’re getting long I’m rendered non-functional. I like my nails short, short, SHORT, but I’d love to do the crystal talons in the top picture just once for fun.
I guess it isn’t unexpected that new York is a major hotbed for boundary-pushing nail art, because the first U.S. nail beauty salon opened in Manhattan in 1878 (!).
That’s just one thing I learned from this post about the history of well-manicured nails in America during the turn of the century.
“Things were changing during the turn of the century, when the bourgeoisie was no longer an exclusive, card-carriers-only club. ‘Fake it ’til you make it’ was a real option now, and with the help of makeup, anybody could change their identity és emelkedik az állomásuk felett. A kezek azt mutatták, hogy hol esett a szociális hierarchiában, és nem úgy néz ki, mintha egy második generációs mosógép volt, a repedt bőr és a csiszolt körmök lehetővé tehetik, hogy mászni a szociális létrán. Segítene a jobb apartmanok számára, válaszoljon a sokkal több középosztályú munkahelyekre, és még a gazdagok is – az a fajta, aki bemutatja a legjobb embereket a pezsgő felett, és küldje el az ajtót.
Egy kicsit megszálltam (ok, sokat) az új, tiszta báj smink sorának kinézetében. A rózsa arany csomagolást és a mindennapi színeket ásom az arc és a szempalettákban (de miért vannak a 68 dollár?!). A vonal leereszkedett az esszenciához, amelyet a márka a Mascara, a fényesség, a barna ceruza, egy paletta, a blush és eyeshadow, és három kefe.
Ez pontosan az a fajta smink, amit szeretek csinálni és viselni – könnyű, gyors, elegáns.
In case you were wondering, actor Daniel Kaluuya, who starred in get Out and Black Panther, wore Fenty charm to the Oscars, and for some reason this just makes me really happy. Ri-Ri Pro Filt’R Alapítványa a bőréletét adta.
Szereti a krémet vagy a folyékony rejtegetőt? Milyen gondolatai vannak az instagram-szemöldökéről? Tényleg azt akarom tudni, hogy mi a Pharrell Williams (A.K.A. A haver, aki énekli az elégedett dalt), tudja a sminkről, mert hamarosan új kozmetikai vonalat látunk.
A jelek azt is mutatják, hogy felszabadítják a női ruházat, a fehérnemű és az ékszerek vonalát is.
A trend figyelők megjósolják, hogy a levendula lesz az új blush rózsaszín …
Egy mögötti jelenetek nézd meg az Oprah Winfrey által viselt bonyolult sminket, Reese Witherspoon és Mindy Kaling az új filmben, egy ránc az időben.
Azt kell mondanom, Reese rázza, hogy a zöld ajak nagyon nehéz. Úgy néz ki, legit!
Miért van a kék ilyen ritka szín az üzemben és az állati királyságban?
Science says that your body language can help you become much more successful, which is why I just started doing this thing called a “power pose.” Ő hangzik buta … és úgy érzi, egy kicsit buta, amikor csinálom, de ki tudja? Csak segíthet! Csak két percet vesz igénybe, és szó szerint csak ott áll, ezért miért ne?
Senki sem tesz babát egy sarokba! Yup, piszkos tánc a Huluban van, és szó szerint két napig tartott, hogy újra megnézhesse 15 perces lépésekben (#momlife) ezen a héten.
Beszélj veled hamarosan, és örüljünk a hétvégén!
A barátságos környéke Charmfüggő,